This week for language arts we completed, Week 4 of Writing With Ease which focused on Alice in Wonderland. We finished three lessons of First Language Lessons which is still talking about nouns. One lesson of Spelling Workout was completed with only one error of forgetting to double the L in the word sell. For memorization it seems that she has the list of Vertebrates down and half of the Egyptian Ennead. I will add another one or two lists to next week.
In Singapore Math week completed 3 lessons in 4 days and yesterday we focused on the math facts up to 5. I am trying to pace out the work so that we are spending as much or as little time that is needed. When she starts to lose focus during a lesson, it's time to put it away and do the rest the next day. In Geography we were discovering and locating various landforms in North America. We pulled out the atlas, and used the wall map and globe to find them and then mark them in the workbook.
Latin was review week this week. We are both enjoying this course a lot and she really digs the songs for some reason. I find myself annoyingly humming them throughout the day, which I guess is appropriate since the purpose of them is to stick in your head. In French we are still focusing on counting, this week numbers 6-12 plus a big review yesterday to ensure nothing is being forgotten. She likes to test me periodically to see if I know. Or will randomly ask what things are in French and I will have to go look it up and report back. I'm glad that she seems to have an interest in languages, because that is one of my regrets. I wish I would have focused on learning another language when I was younger.
The First Writing was the topic we learned in History. We read a couple of books on Ancient Egypt and did a Hieroglyphic scroll as a project. For Science we focused on elephants, zebras and foxes. We completed narrations, placed them on the food chart and into their correct habitats.
In art we finished a picture narration and a water colour art project. Her picture was of a funny experience that her dad had while we were on vacation a few years ago. It involved watching Shark week on television, him snorkeling in a beach called Turtle Bay and an encounter in the water. Today it is still one of the funniest things I have ever seen. We also completed week 4 of our composer study of Hildegarde von Bingen. Next week we move on to Arcangelo Corelli.
Last night we went to the city next to us because is has a guitar store my husband likes to frequent and the mall has H&M which I like to frequent. I was depressed going into H&M for me though because I can't really buy myself clothes like that when I am pregnant, so I bought stuff for Roo. They had great deals on leggings, sweater/shirt dresses, tights and jeans. I think she is officially outfitted for the fall/winter season. Now if only I new for certain what this babies gender was, they had so many cute things for babies there.
Looks like a nice week! Great job on the scroll!
Sounds like a great week.
P.S. I love H&M as well =0)
Love the scroll! December will be here soon & you'll know. :) My December baby is almost ONE!
Lee (5wolfcubs)
Sounds like a great week. The scroll looks like a wonderful project.
She is just adorable! I love her grin :-)
That scroll is super cool. I've never done tea staining, but I once burned the edges of a paper in high school to make it look old. Ha!
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