Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - New Baby Girl

Almost wordless. Merle Jude was born December 14, 2010, weighed 8 lbs 4 oz.






Friday, December 10, 2010

Weekly Report and Still Pregnant

Another week down and still another week pregnant. Still no sure signs of labor, or a date yet for the c-section. To top it all off, it has been super cold this week and I don't have a winter coat I can do up of the ginormous belly. Blah. School this week went well although Roo was fighting a cold, it didn't really slow us down at all. If anything she was quite attentive and well behaved. She did help me to get the crib bedding cleaned and put in the bed though. She even tucked in some of her own toys for the baby.


There are some threads currently on the WTM forums regarding eating habits of kids and families. I am currently sitting here typing with a bowl of chips on one side of me and a bowl of blueberries and raspberries on the other, happily alternating between the two. How bad it that;)

It's funny how kids pick things up and you have no idea where. Roo has an invisible friend called Nina Petrina and she is the one that is usually to blame when she does something naughty. The other day Roo told me that Nina Petrina was Jewish (we are not) and that she was celebrating Hanukkah right now. When she went to bed that night, she proceeded to sing the Dreidle song for 45 minutes before she fell asleep. I don't have a clue where she learned the words to the Dreidle song, but what I heard sounded pretty accurate. She also insisted on schooling in her footy pajamas (which she never wants to take off because we finally found her a pair in her size) and her Halloween costume this week.

And on to what we accomplished this week:

Memory work - We began a new poem from FLL and are still working on getting the provinces memorized and placed on a map.

Phonics - Three syllable words and the suffixes er and est

Grammar (First Language Lessons) - Common/Proper nouns and a new poem to memorize

Writing (Writing with Ease) - Finished week 12 focused on songs/nursery rhymes

Latin (Song School Latin) - Review of last week and began the addition of please, thank you and excuse me.

Math (Singapore) - Working slowly through the subtraction chapter keeping our focus on recognizing of facts and number bonds. I added some new subtraction facts to our flash card review.

French - A lot of review and objects in/from a house. She then noticed how similar window and door were in both French and Latin.

Science (Elemental) - We still studied birds this week, chickens, ducks and penguins and then turkeys for fun because she likes the sounds they make.

Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti (An Owlet Book)

History (Story of the World) - We entered Ancient Africa and read some books on the African folk tale of Anansi the Spider. She hates spiders, but for some reason really enjoyed this character. She then made a "African" hand print mobile and a paper plate, rice shaker, tambourine thing.


Art - She made a oil pastel of a landscape drawing. It was supposed to be some place she can see or has been and it started off as a landscape and ended up being some weird abstracty village.

Everytime I put together or build an apparatus for the baby, Roo insists on testing it out with her baby doll that looks like a real baby. My husband calls it the creepy baby because every time you walk by it you do a double take because it looks so real.


The creepy baby doll

Hopefully you won't hear from me next week due to having a baby. But at this rate you probably will.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Monchhichi and Me - Weekly Report

Monchhichi will be discussed down further. This is probably my second last week before we break for baby day. My due date is the 21st, but because I didn't attempt get the doctor to turn the baby and honestly I don't want to try for a regular breech birth, I am having a c-section. The date isn't set yet as they are trying to get a time in the o/r to do it so chances are I will go into labor first which sucks. Have I mentioned that after my ultrasound last week to see the baby's position we found out it was a girl? It inspired me to get down to business and buy some new baby clothes. I gave a lot of my old stuff to my new niece and some of the stuff I kept is worn and old so I thought she deserved some new things. It's way too fun shopping for kids clothes. This is the end result.


I also promised topost a picture of her fully done up Build-a-Bear birthday present from last week. This is the horrifying picture of the wolf. Poor wolf.

This week we accomplished a fair amount. Although after last weeks break it was hard to get her motivated at first.

Memory Work - I added the Canadian provinces and territories to our daily work.

Phonics - We have moved into 3 syllable words and are getting closer to the end of the book. I think we probably should slow down though until these are in right solid.

First Language Lesson (FLL) - We are still working on nouns, proper and common but I am seeing an understanding of the difference between the two. I like the slow pace of this book, I find it really solidifies and understanding without overwhelming the student.

Writing With Ease (WWE) - We finished week 11 (I think, I am too lazy to go verify).

Song School Latin (SSL) - This week we learned the commands listen, quiet, open your book and raise your hand in both singular and plural.

Math (Singapore) - We moved onto subtraction finally. We are still doing our daily drills and I added the first group of basic subtraction to the list. I have also purchased the games Sum Swamp and Zeus on the Loose for Christmas to have a fun way to work on math facts (without realizing she is working on math facts).

History (SOTW) - We have now entered Ancient China and finally got to read The Story of Ping.
The Story About Ping

Science (Elemental Science) - We began studying birds this week and were going to do the bird feeder activity but we live in an apartment and don't have a spot to hang one. We did go down and feed the ducks though:)

French - We constantly review the previous weeks lessons and we added new vocabulary this week, things around the house.

Do you remember Monchhichi? We were shopping this week and Roo was perusing the toys and came running over telling me to look at the cute monkey. When I looked it took me back many, many years. Obviously that is why they remake toys, because they know we will buy it because it reminds of of our youth. So here is our new Monchhichi.

We had our first big snowfall of the season this week. It was the big, heavy, really wet flakes that get you soaked within minutes. We walked down to the corner store and by the time we were home all of our clothes had to be placed in front of the heater to dry. But it was fun.

We finally built the baby crib this week! Yay! Next on my agenda is to pack those darn hospital bags that are beside me right now staring at me.