I also promised topost a picture of her fully done up Build-a-Bear birthday present from last week. This is the horrifying picture of the wolf. Poor wolf.
This week we accomplished a fair amount. Although after last weeks break it was hard to get her motivated at first.
Memory Work - I added the Canadian provinces and territories to our daily work.
Phonics - We have moved into 3 syllable words and are getting closer to the end of the book. I think we probably should slow down though until these are in right solid.
First Language Lesson (FLL) - We are still working on nouns, proper and common but I am seeing an understanding of the difference between the two. I like the slow pace of this book, I find it really solidifies and understanding without overwhelming the student.
Writing With Ease (WWE) - We finished week 11 (I think, I am too lazy to go verify).
Song School Latin (SSL) - This week we learned the commands listen, quiet, open your book and raise your hand in both singular and plural.
Math (Singapore) - We moved onto subtraction finally. We are still doing our daily drills and I added the first group of basic subtraction to the list. I have also purchased the games Sum Swamp and Zeus on the Loose for Christmas to have a fun way to work on math facts (without realizing she is working on math facts).
History (SOTW) - We have now entered Ancient China and finally got to read The Story of Ping.
Science (Elemental Science) - We began studying birds this week and were going to do the bird feeder activity but we live in an apartment and don't have a spot to hang one. We did go down and feed the ducks though:)
French - We constantly review the previous weeks lessons and we added new vocabulary this week, things around the house.
Do you remember Monchhichi? We were shopping this week and Roo was perusing the toys and came running over telling me to look at the cute monkey. When I looked it took me back many, many years. Obviously that is why they remake toys, because they know we will buy it because it reminds of of our youth. So here is our new Monchhichi.
We had our first big snowfall of the season this week. It was the big, heavy, really wet flakes that get you soaked within minutes. We walked down to the corner store and by the time we were home all of our clothes had to be placed in front of the heater to dry. But it was fun.
We finally built the baby crib this week! Yay! Next on my agenda is to pack those darn hospital bags that are beside me right now staring at me.
Aww, little baby clothes are always so sweet and so sweet to know Roo is getting a little sister! Also, that wolf really is horrifying- like little red riding hood gone wrong.
I was wondering before I saw your update if you'd had your baby yet... how fun to know she's a girl! I have to agree that wolf is... disturbing! I've not seen hair for the build a bears... hmmmmm... hope your delivery goes well! You can always hope she turns at the last minute! I had a breech one until a couple weeks before when he turned... yup... felt that one! ;-)
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