Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Not Back to School Blog Hop: School Room Week

Not Back to School Blog Hop

School room week. A frightening thought for me since we live in a two bedroom apartment that hasn't been completely unpacked or set up yet. So I have been working at tidying, organizing and moving stuff. Too bad I don't have unlimited funds because I know how I want it to look. What I want and what I can afford are two different things (think Ikea catalogue). That always seems to be the way though.


This is of the computer area viewed from the kitchen, our school room shares with the dining room. Roo is demonstrating one of her worst habits of peeking over her glasses in this shot. It drives me nuts. Her desk is beside mine against the wall since she tends to get distracted easily, there is not much for her to stare at in this spot. The newly laminated world map an addition fact sheet are posted on the wall.


Same shot, slightly different angle, to include the white board and her old desk. The urge to fiddle inside of the desk was too extreme so a friend found us a flip top desk at a garage sale. When we do white board work she either sits in my chair or bounces on her bouncy ball in the middle (a good energy release for a very active child).


Our book cases, mine, hers and ours. Baskets filled with miscellaneous math manipulatives, games and crap I don't know what to do with yet. Every homeschool room is not complete without its Michael Jackson, David Bowie and Evil Dead movie poster;) This was not the wall I initially wanted these shelves on, but due to the age of the building and the slanted floor it was the best choice.  


Standing in front of the bookshelves you get the glorious view of  the fire escape:)


Due to lack of wall space our calendar, weather charts have been banished to the side of the fridge. It's actually a good spot though since it is pretty much visible from my desk.


Busy, busy work circling the things she likes from the Build-a-Bear catalogue. Those pink heart balloons are from my birthday last week. She made my husband drive all over town to find the exact colour and style she wanted. The computer is showing her favorite game of Jumpstart.


So that is our homeschool room. More tidying and organization is needed but overall this is what it will look like (unless we win millions of dollars). Most of our read alouds are done in the living room and in bed but since I haven't cleaned those rooms yet, there was no need to photograph my shame:)


Deb said...

Those posters are killing me! The 80's are still aliiiiive!

Rock on, Dude.

Sparklee said...

Aaw, I think the "glasses peek" is adorable!

My kids sit on a bouncy ball sometimes, too. It helps them stay focused when they have too much nervous energy.

You have a great space for learning there--very welcoming and cozy! Have a fantastic year of homeschooling!

Courtney said...

I was just flipping through the IKEA catalog last night, so I can totally relate to those dreams. =) It doesn't seem that there are many homeschooling only children out there, so I'm glad to find another.

Love your world map, the antique look of it. Where did you get it?

Sara said...

I bought the poster from posterrevolution.com. I'm pretty sure you can get different dimensions in it, ours is 39"x55".

Charli Armstrong said...

Just lurked here from the bloghop. BIG thumbs up for the awesome posters! My future "homeschool room" will have posters of Michael Jackson, Josephine Baker, Labyrinth and Dark Crystal.

Stephanie said...

I know what you mean about wanting versus having money for. And the IKEA catalog is a guilty pleasure of mine. There's always something in there I'm pining after. Your daughter is so cute.

I don't think I'll have the energy to homeschool. Either that, or I'll be working full-time which would result in even less energy. I guess I have several years before I have to worry about that one though...

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Your daughter is so cute with her glasses. She reminds me of my daughter when she was around that age. She is 9 now. She also has a sensory ball to sit on. My child is an only too.

I love IKEA; I used several of their pieces in our learning space as well.


Denise said...

I love your table and chairs! I enjoyed reading your post & seeing all your photos~ very cute!