In phonics this week we learned how Y works as a vowel. Then we made the eye spy game on cards that she had to read and find what was on the card. I really like how OPGTR has the fun learning games that take away from the phonics monotony. She was also reading her lessons off the white board while driving her bike in circles around the room (not a lot of room, but she managed). Spelling Workout A is still in the lessons that are easy for her. I am glad that we started it now because it seems to match up well with what we have been learning phonics wise as well as with the Bob books.
Math is still the longest part of our day, but we do what we can. I break it up into meeting/calendar time, counting/skip counting, the lesson and then the actual fact sheet worksheet. We do this with breaks and/or other subjects in between to make it not so bad. She is grasping counting by 2's (thank you for your suggestions), counting money, odd/even numbers and understanding both the digital and analog time. We learned adding 2 to odd and even numbers and for some reason she grasped the odd numbers quicker. I'm not complaining, I just always thought even numbers were easier to understand. She has been working on writing her number 5 because when she writes it, it usually ends up looking like an S. We have been using the linking cubes as manipulatives for counting. She decided to use them for other things.
Math manipulative monster
Cube fingers and temporary tattoos.
I think she though she could get out of work by putting them on her fingers, since she couldn't write with them there.
Roo seems to love geography and gets excited when it is geography day. She learned the what the compass rose was and how to find little Bo peep's sheep by using directions. In art class the theme was Valentines Day and she made a Valentine hat, picture frame and a card for me. She was a super cranky pants that day. I made a post regarding that below also about my new print copy of Elemental Science Biology for next year.
Learning about North, South, East and West.
She went a little glue crazy and it is oozing out the holes.
Since Monday is Family Day in Ontario, the library is closed. We are going to have to go on the weekend or something to make up for it and pick up our piles of holds before they call again. We are done lessons for the day and it is my turn to play Wii Mario Cart. She just yelled "Mom, I'm 7th and I don't like that" so at least it is teaching her ordinal positions;)
Linking cubes on the fingers are cracking me up! My grandmother used to give me black olives for each finger like that. :-)
Love your daughter's glasses. They are too adorable!
What a great week and your bookshelves are AWESOME!
Love, love, love the bookshelves. Did I mention how much I love the bookshelves? Can't wait to hear more about Elemental Science. Thanks for sharing your week.
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