The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life. - Plato
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Weekly Schedule Template
I was playing around with excel and Word and finally came up with a template that will work for us. I hope, if not that was a lot of wasted time. Anyway here it is. I do have this in both Excel and Word, so if your are interested in having a copy I will email one to you. Excel is easier to use and more practical since you can can manipulate the cells into the sizes you want to use. Let me know if you would like a copy.
Hi Karma! Sure you can! I just need an email address to send it to. If you do want to leave your address in the comments here, just you my contact me form and include it in that.
I would love a copy of your schedule my email add is
Looks great - Could you please send me a copy too. Thanks.
a great template :) could you send to :) thanks
Hi, just came across your great site!
May I please get the excel version of the weekly planner? Thanks!
Hi Karma! Sure you can! I just need an email address to send it to. If you do want to leave your address in the comments here, just you my contact me form and include it in that.
Hi! Would you mind if I got the excel version of this weekly planner?? Thanks!
Thank you so much for the offer to share your wonderful schedule! If you don't mind, I would love a copy of it in Word. THANKS!!
Can you please email me your template in word and excel? Thank you!
Could you please email me a copy of this template in excel? Thanks so much!
This looks amazing, ma I have a copy too? Excell please.
Thanks, Jessica
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