Friday, March 19, 2010

Weekly Report

On Monday Roo's tooth that had been very loose last week was now extremely, I think she might swallow it super loose. I said that she was to work at it because I wanted it out by bedtime that day. By the way she carried on you would think I told her that all of her teeth were being pulled out. The problem was quickly solved when daddy came home and asked to look at it;) A quick flick of the finger and it was almost out. All she had to do was poke it with her tongue and voila. When she tells the story to people, it involves her doing it herself and how brave she was......selective memory.


First toothless smile.

This week in phonics we covered most of the oo sounds. I never really thought about how the oo sound can come from so many different letter combinations, many not involving the letter o at all.  I'm not sure if she totally got it so next week will probably be a review of all the oo sounds again. I am still using the Blend Phonics (for review) and Ordinary Parents Guide combo. It seems to work as well as liven up the lessons a bit. In spelling she finished lesson 12, passed her spelling test and has begun a review of lessons 6-12.
In math this week we worked on drawing line segments, sorting items, tallying numbers for counting objects and skip counting by 5's. The tallying part she isn't totally understanding so we are trying to tally different objects several times a day to build her confidence in them.

Art class is finished for the term so this week she decided she wanted to try drawing things on her sketch pad. On Thursday she wanted to draw the characters from the Arthur books/television show and below is her drawing of D.W. that she drew from me pausing the t.v. so she could copy it.


Drawing of D.W.

Geography this week was a brief look at Asia, its location on the map, what oceans surround it and what familiar animals live there. It is usually a quick and to the point lesson that can be expanded on if her interest or questions lead us there. She then decided to go take her Mousetrap game and see if she can redesign the trap.

Mouse Trap overhaul.


Striking a pose outside the library while trying to scope out the birds in the trees.

We went to the library this morning where we spent about and hour going through books and playing and then we took the bus home. For some reason at our stop Roo didn't want to get off the bus using the back door like we usually do. The problem was, I got off first and was trying to reach in to get her and the door started to close. Me thinking the bus is going to leave with my kid still in it pushed my body against them to keep them open while I yanked her out. But I couldn't get myself out completely with the doors shutting and it closed on my leg. It didn't hurt because there was padding on the door frame, but the bus began to drive away while my leg was in the door. People on the bus shouted for her to stop, but wow, I thought buses has sensors or something like elevator doors do. What if I was a kid or an elderly person, there could have been some serious damage. So after that I didn't really feel like a lot of schooling so I gave her a lesson on bus safety and then we watched the NOVA movie called Becoming Human which is a new 2010 release and was actually quite good. Roo kept forgetting the name Neanderthal and called them Niagara Falls instead. We did read aloud from the book Evolution Revolution by DK  for science/history,

Evolution Revolution

and we ended the day with a world geography computer game. My week started off with our first tooth fairy visit and ended with what could have been a serious accident. We did get a lot of good library books though, and I managed to keep hold of them while the bus was leaving with my leg;)


Kash said...

Crazy bus! I can't believe that.

Thanks for the DVD title - added it to our Netflix queue. Sounds like you had a pretty good week (buses excluded).

Daisy said...

Wow, that is insane about the bus. Crazy.

Awesome toothless grin. I love it.

Robyn said...

Scary bus incident! Don't you love how something like losing a tooth can be so dramatic? Mine can see me coming a mile away as I'd pull that little thing out! ;-) Looks like a good week despite the bus. Glad you are okay!

legendswife said...

It looks like you guys had an adventurous week. Her lost tooth!-it is soo cute:)
God Bless

Robin Johnson said...

So glad you escaped the bus with your books and no lasting damage! I am LOL at Niagra Falls. Love the semi-toothless grin. My dd5 would be so envious.

Sara said...

I think she is more scarred by the bus incident than I am, but I think I want to avoid public transit for awhile:)

Jessica McKelvin said...

I've nominated you for a Beautiful Blogger Award on my artist blog:
I am subscribed to you through my mommy blog though at