I was very excited yesterday when I received my Singapore Math books in the mail. So excited I had to stop myself from switching my curriculum and starting Singapore now:) It's for next year, but it looks like it is going to be such a better fir for us than Saxon is that I want to try it out, but I will wait. When Roo and I looked through it together her first comment was "Ooooo, that looks like fun math!" I couldn't resist taking a picture of it though.
Phonics and spelling this week were strictly review work. In the Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading we reviewed all of the oo sounds, and in Blend Phonics we reviewed th, tch and wh sounds. Spelling workout was reviewing lessons 6-12 which she was able to complete without much trouble. I have noticed that over the last week her letters and numbers have become neater which is a plus since she doesn't like to practice her handwriting very often.
Relaxing during phonics
In Math we made progress, and we managed to finish 4 lessons and one review this week. She has gotten better at counting by 2's and naming odd numbers and we introduced counting by 5's this week. The 5's seem to click better and she goes around chanting them. We only learned to count by 5's to 50 but she proceeded and went all the way up to 105 and then she got stuck. Adding one to double facts was another new thing she learned, but it didn't seem to click as well as the 5's;) Dimes and pennies are still the amounts we are using for money, but she has begun to learn about how much it will cost to buy two objects instead of one. It took a lot of examples but I think she managed to figure it out in the end. Since she loves playing store with her cash register and fake money (which is always all over the house, I find fake money stuffed everywhere) I will write up some bills and see if she can figure it out. She'll think it is just playing store, so that will be an easy way to get some more practice in. I was cleaning up some things the other day and had to pull out some old toys in order get something. Big mistake, Roo has decided she would like to play with her old scooting airplane all around the house. This is a picture of her on it while she is looking at her number board. I am going to have to try to find a good hiding spot for it because it sings and makes noises while you scoot and it drives me nuts.
For Geography this week all we did was play Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego on the computer. She seems to have absorbed some information though because while playing Barbies she declared they were going to drive to Alaska, then fly to Germany, France and then finish in Norway. We watched the movie Ice age this week and all through she was trying to determine what modern animals evolved from what Ice Age characters. I guess our evolution reading are starting to stick.
Practicing piano with the MusIQ improv room.
School is done for the day and now it's time to play video games. Note the Kiss poster in the background, it ties in well with the story below.
I would like to introduce you to the new member of our family. My husband is a huge Kiss fan and we have a lot of different Kiss paraphernalia around the house. Since I met my husband, one of his top ten dreams was to own a 1978 Kiss pinball machine. This week he saw one listed for sale for a ridiculously low price, in incredible condition and located only 1.5 hours from our house. So after much finance tweaking, he is now the proud owner of a 1978 Kiss pinball machine. Here is a photo, it's a little blurry because it was taken on a camera phone.
1978 Kiss Pinball game.
Hehe LOVE that pinball machine! Your daughter is totally cute all curled up there :) Much more fun than sitting in a hard desk I must say!
Great pinball machine. I was a fan of KISS- even collected swap cards...lol
Sounds like Roo had a great week!
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