Friday, April 1, 2011

Weekly Reports - Self Education

Today I have one of those headaches where you blink, and your eye actually feels like it is going to fall out. The ones where Tylenol just seems to take the edge off but nothing else. It's not pleasant.
I just finished writing a post for The Ultimate Blog Party, so if you are interested it is a great way to get your blog out there and meet like minded (or not so like minded) people hop over to 5minutesformom.

My girls and I went for a walk yesterday morning to enjoy the warmer weather. The snow has melted so all the garbage the snow covered has become painfully obvious. Roo was walking and got very quiet while she was looking around and she said, "Mom, why do people pollute? Don't they know that the rain is the earths tears?" I was a little in awe that she made such a statement. But definitely proud. Instead of a lemonade stand, she said she wants a Save the Earth stand. I'm not sure how I am going to accomplish that one.
I have become determined to boost my self education learning. So this week I learned all the countries in Europe as well as their capitals and locations on a map. Next week I am going to try Asia. I have also come to the conclusion that Merle has the hair of a baby orangutan.

What do you think?

Another big thing this week was that Roo lost another tooth. After 45 minutes of me trying to get it out and her acting like I was amputating a finger, I got it out she said "that wasn't that bad". Yeah right, like the neighbors would believe that after that episode.


What we finished this week:  

Memory Work - I didn't add anything this week, but for next week I plan on adding the list of Greek Gods.

Spelling (All About Spelling) - As we are speeding through level one we are doing a level a day in about 15-20 minutes. I know we just started but although it is very teacher intensive, I am really liking this program. I think it is going to work. Now all I need is a 2 foot x 3 foot magnetic dry erase board to stick all the letters on. I have a board but it's not magnetic:(

First Language Lessons - Lesson 76-78, review, address abbreviations and titles of respect.

Writing with Ease - Completed week 25 of copy work and narration exercises from Pollyanna excerpts. 

Latin (Song School Latin) - Season terms and review.

French (Nallenart) - Unit 9.1 new words  and flashcards for clothing terms.

Math - We have completed Math Mammoth 1A addition facts and 1B telling time. She did a test on time today and will do the addition test on Monday. Next week we will move on to 1A subtraction and 1B measurement. 

History (Story of the World) - We finished chapter 25 Alexander the Great. We also noticed and had a discussion about how men throughout history to today never seem satisfied. They always want more and there never seems to be peace. 

Science (Elemental) - From our body study we muscles and how they work. We also googled dust mites and immediately wished we didn't.

Geography - She is working through Canadian provinces and territories, capitals and landscapes via Sheppard Software. I had forgotten about this site and have refreshed my love for it. 

Art - We are working on the art project this weekend because we opted to go grocery shopping instead of art this afternoon. 


Mary said...

I love the baby's hair :)

Courtney said...

Your girls are so cute!

Robyn said...

Love the orangutan hair! I think she looks a lot like her sis! Hope your head is better... looks like you had a busy week!

Karen said...

A "Save the Earth" stand sounds like a wonderful, although potentially difficult to implement, idea!